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music player

Wednesday 1 February 2012

shadows of reindeer - part two

so, in continuing to cast further light upon the facts in the case of 'shadows of reindeer', might i present to you the complete lyrics transcription of the song, replete with extensive hyperlinks to all of the various images, places and times contained therein, that you might get to discover the layers of detail which i attempted to capture in creating a written accompaniment to the astonishing musical composition which AbSUrd assembled for the track. so, sit back, put on your reading glasses, and prepare to journey into a strange, compelling world of myriad paths through psychedelic lands.

shadows of reindeer - text by jamesreindeer

sunken salt plain basilica silhouette tone poem snake bite hazard tundra. marbelled and tiled, baked in kilns. live from the jordanian bedouin triclinium lamb feast doused in hookah smoke and moroccan mint tea paraphanalia. 

clark-nova's clattering. martinelli's clattering. 

watching sunset from the dome of the petran monastry of the masculine dead facing west at sunset. burning incense for hatshepsut. pork bones discovered underneath  the archeological digsite at masada. bradley tanks shooting fire into the west bank death valley kibbutz jonestown compound. 1098. hagia sofia. centipede ingests masonic host in seven day ritual bathed in oil lamp glowing parade, insect grin masquerade polaroid session. shadows of reindeer hang upon the ballustrade.  venetian pirouette and chasse step in ancient trade-route textile luxury. 

high yield junk bond medeci tomb swansong, canto octo. basic face mask transplant, tribal dance. ethiopian rock cut george cross holiest of holys, kerosene soaked ark of the covenant. swampland DDT bi-plane toltec complex, mayan codices calendar senders programme the machine to self destruct. financial district board members black magic cloaks and hats in flames levitate over the grave site of the world trade.

nomadic yemenese wedding ceremony under endless desert skies. ra and set in nile delta, unification of the two lands. heliocentric world view, maize and mead, despotic paths of tamerlane. crawl five hundred miles to die in bethlehem. the elite at play in the twilight of empire. orixa rhythms echo damascus backstreets in the steady half-light of the christian district. remote ministries, outpost and citadel, bees making honey under azure light. yage root hanging dense in mesoamerican cortés viral epicentre under a sinking deep red and amber sky. coca leaf tea in a zurich apartment amidst springs gentle haze. el tio, miners dynamite and fuse wire cyanide air, blood sacrifice to the mountain god and pachamama. geotagging zapatista gravesites, pick axe in the kitchen.

clark-nova's clattering. martinelli's clattering.

so, there we have it. part considered attempt at putting words to the worlds which AbSUrd's music creates, part stream-of-consciouness / automatic writing under the influence of the material. i sincerely hope that this text might offer you a clearer view of  the words themselves , and that it might enable you to better enjoy the psychedelic spiral that is 'shadows of reindeer'. thank you kindly for your time and interest.

keep safe and warm


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