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music player

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

accolades 2013

slowly, as we step into this new series of twelve moons, i feel that my first order of business ought well be taking a moment to celebrate and cherish the appearance of my still recently released 'six six seven' album on a goodly number of 'end of year' lists. how it means so very much to me to even be able to share my music at all, but for it to receive such wonderful and considered praise is a real honour.

so, here is a list of the accolades that were bestowed as 2013 drew to a close:

best albums of 2013 - brzowski
best releases of 2013 - bill van cutten
top ten overall hip hop albums of 2013 - indie rock mag

i would very much like to take a moment to thank all those responsible for my appearance on these lists, and would very much like to extend that thanks to everyone who has supported this release, simply by helping spread the word, offering praise and encouragement or to have secured themselves a copy, whether it be a simple download or a copy of the hand-crafted tape itself. i am so very grateful for your support, enthusiasm and continued encouragement.

so, here's to the days, weeks and months to come; and how much is on the horizon...

wishing you all a very happy new year, and sending all the love


leipzig, germany
8th january 2014

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